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Findings from the Big Conversation VI:

                                                        A Communitywide Civil Conversation on
                                                        Dismantling Racism - “I Didn’t Know… Exploring
                                                         Racism and Privilege in Our Community”

           An Executive Summary

           The Big Conversation series is sponsored by Middleham and St. Peter’s Parish in Lusby and provides an
           opportunity for communitywide civil conversation on topics of concern.  This year’s sixth Big
           Conversation was on dismantling racism.  It was offered in three parts:

                 A book study on six Sundays in October and November discussing “Living into God’s Dream:
                  Dismantling Racism in America” by Catherine Meeks, with over 60 participating.

                 On December 3, nearly 100 people met to view and discuss the movie “13 ”.  The film explored
                  race, justice, and mass incarceration.

                 On January 14, over 200 people met to focus on dismantling racism in our own community -
                  hearing from community leaders, sharing our stories in small groups, identifying ways we can
                  move forward and learning about what is happening now to build bridges.

           The following is a summary of what we heard and learned in each of those parts:

           Book Study:

           Sharing our stories and listening to others – The six sessions of the book study provided the attendees
           with the opportunity to share their stories regarding racism and be able to listen to others.  Many affirmed
           that they learned a great deal and truly expressed that “they didn’t know” about aspects of racism.

           Developing trust – Through the study, and especially in the later sessions, attendees – Black and White –
           developed a level of trust, allowing for authentic engagement around issues of race.

           Working together – With Catherine Meeks’ guidance, attendees grew to understand the importance of
           working together – Black and White – on projects of mutual interest and concern.

           Wanting more - The Sunday sessions ended with participants expressing the desire to continue the
           conversation, many stating that they rarely had an opportunity to discuss racism with the “other” and
           wanting to learn more.

           The Film:

           About the topic – This documentary film sets out in graphic detail how racial disparities in the criminal
           justice system have served to continue suppression of African Americans through the present day,
           especially men, in the same way that “Jim Crow” laws and policies did after the Civil War.

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