Page 11 - Building Bridges
P. 11

Organization                Point of Contact                    Focus Area              Remarks

                                                                      Promotes healthy choices,
            St. Mary’s       Visit:                     opportunities and
            County Health                                             environments for all who
            Department       301-475-4330 or                          live, work and play in St.
                               Mary’s County. Within the
                                                                      scope of its resources, the
                                                                      health department delivers
                                                                      a variety of services to our
                                                                      community based on local
                                                                      health needs and federal,
                                                                      state, and county
                                                                      regulations. As the
                                                                      county’s leader in public
                                                                      health, our agency is
                                                                      committed to ensuring
                                                                      that residents have access
                                                                      to personal and
                                                                      community-based services
                                                                      and health information.

            St. Mary’s       Cynthia Brown, Youth and Local           The purpose of the         Promotes
            Human            Management Board Coordinator             Commission is "to          understanding
            Relations              encourage and ensure       and harmony of
            Commission                                                equal treatment to all,    relationships
                                                                      without regard to race,    between the
                                                                      color, religion, ethical or   people of the
                                                                      moral conviction, ancestry   county and to
                                                                      or national origin, sex, age,  use its influence
                                                                      marital status or physical   and persuasion
                                                                      or mental handicap.        to direct the
                                                                                                 efforts to the
                                                                                                 solution of
                                                                                                 problems that
                                                                                                 cause racial and
                                                                                                 other tensions
                                                                                                 stemming from
                                                                                                 acts of
                                                                                                 within the

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