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celebrating 100 YEARS 1919-2019 celebrating
A Century
of Care
A Message from the President In This Issue
Celebrate Our Past. Know Us Now. CALVERTHEALTH MAGAZINE
For a century now, we have been determined to bring
the highest quality of care to our community. It is a rich 4 A look back at the rich heritage of
heritage of dedication and commitment to excellence that CalvertHealth – from the dedicated
we continue to provide today. 2019 will be a year-long doctors and caring staff to the
celebration at CalvertHealth as we honor and recognize generous donors and faithful
100 years of exceptional care. During the year, we will volunteers – who have shaped health
honor those individuals who recognized the need in care for 100 years in our community
1919 for a community hospital to care for the watermen,
the farmers and the hardworking families who chose to JUST FOR YOU
make Calvert County their home. They built a community 12 Clinical Alliances
hospital passionate about caring for their residents. 16 Advances in Cancer Care at CalvertHealth
It’s now up to us to build on these strengths to ensure a
bright future for Calvert. TRENDING TODAY
We’ve come a long way in the last 100 years. 21 Check out “Your Best Health Challenge”
We’ve grown from a two-story building in 1919 to an integrated health
care system providing a wide network of coordinated care. Today, IN EVERY ISSUE
CalvertHealth is a top regional healthcare provider, widely respected as
a leader of innovative medicine among community hospitals. From 1919 14 Calendar of Events
to 2019 one thing remains the same: we continue to be passionate about 18 New Faces
caring for our residents and making a difference in every life we touch. 22 Making a Difference
Our history makes us who we are today. Embracing the theme Capital Campaign Supports Private
Celebrate our Past. Know Us Now., we’re dedicating this special issue Patient Rooms
of CalvertHealth to the men and women who came before us and to all
those who have followed in their footsteps. I’ve enjoyed reading about our This facility is accredited by The Joint Commission
humble roots (see article on page 4) and look forward to paving the way on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.
as we begin a new era in health care for our region. If you would like to report a concern about the
Look for announcements to celebrate our 100th Anniversary! quality of care you received here, you can contact
The Joint Commission at 1.800.994.6610.
We’ll host fun events to thank everyone who made this possible – our
outstanding physicians and exceptional staff, our valued volunteers CalvertHealth Medical Center does not discriminate
and community partners. I’d also like to thank the individuals who with regard to patient admissions, room assignment,
patient services or employment on the basis of race,
shared their personal stories and photos with us that made this special color, national origin, age, gender identification,
anniversary edition possible. religion, disability or sexual orientation.
The next 100 years will see CalvertHealth El Centro Médico de CalvertHealth no discrimina con
respecto a admisiones de pacientes, asignaciones
continue to build on a century of care. de habitaciones, servicios al paciente o empleo
sobre la base de raza, color, origen nacional, religión,
discapacidad, edad, sexo, incapacidad, identificación
de género o sexual orientación.
Trung tâm Y tế CalvertHealth không phân biệt đối
xử về việc nhập viện của bệnh nhân, phân công tại
phòng, dịch vụ bệnh nhân hoặc việc làm dựa trên
chủng tộc, màu da, nguồn gốc quốc gia, tôn giáo,
Dean Teague, FACHE khuyết tật, tuổi, giới tính, khuyết tật, nhận dạng giới
President and CEO tính hay khuynh hướng tình dục.