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P. 75
Dismantling Racism Resource Book
What are Caucuses?
All people of color and white people are affected by racism and have to work
together to end racism. However, how we are affected by racism and the work we
have to do is different. Caucuses are times when people of color and white people
within an organization meet separately in order to do our different work. Many
organizations have gender caucuses or other types of caucuses as well.
What are some reasons to have Caucuses?
People of Color can caucus in order to:
check in and assess an organization’s progress in anti-racist organizational
development or racial justice organizing
provide a safe space for people of color to talk about and address
experieces of racism within the organization and in the larger world
talk about racism and how it affects people of color without having to
explain it to white people
gain tools to talk about racism
create an alternative power base for people of color within the organization
build relationships
create a plan of action
provide a space to address how internalized racism can hold people of color
and racial justice work back
look at barriers such as anger
White people can caucus in order to:
work through guilt and other barriers that hold white people back from
being an ally and doing racial justice work
ask questions and explore ideas that help white people learn about racism
without having to learn at the expense of people of color
hold each other accountable for actions and behavior
build relationships
check in and assess an organization’s progress in anti-racist organizational
development or racial justice organizing
gain tools to talk about racism, white supremacy and privilege
remind white people that work needs to be done to address racism every day
Dismantling Racism Project 73 Western States Center