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P. 70

Dismantling Racism                                                                         Resource Book

               Change Teams

               What is a Change Team?
               Many organizations have found that anti-racist organizational development is most
               successful when an organization has a Change Team.  A Change Team is a working
               committee whose overarching goal is to provide leadership and momentum around anti-
               racist organizational development.

               Who should be on the Change Team?
               Each organization needs to decide how to build a Change Team that can support
               meaningful change in your organization.  Many Change Teams are comprised of staff
               and board members working together.  In most cases it is important to have
               participation on the Change Team from your membership or constituency as well.

               Job Description for Change Team Members (Adapted from James Williams: Grassroots
               Leadership’s Barriers and Bridges Workbook.)

               Change team members are people who:

               •  really want to see positive change in their communities;

               •  bring enthusiasm and commitment to the process. They are role models and

               •  have a certain degree of skill in helping make change happens;
               •  have some degree of leadership in their organization or community;

               •  are willing to see themselves as change agents;

               •  but understand that they can’t do it alone. They must build a group or
                   organization of people who will take over leadership of the process and in turn
                   develop new leaders.

               Their job is to develop a group of people who will work together to reach their
               goals. This involves working with others to:

                       •  assess the present situation, define problems, and set goals for solving


               Dismantling Racism Project                            68                                          Western States Center
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