Page 65 - Microsoft Word - resource book.doc
P. 65
Anti-Racist Organization organization actively recruits and mentors people of color celebrates diversity has a power analysis about racism and other oppression issues a diversity of work styles encouraged with active reflection about balancing what gets done and how it gets done a willingness to name racism and address conflict resources devoted to developing shared goals, teamwork, and sharing skills and knowledge (mentoring) designed to build and share power designed to help people analyze and address root causes people mo
Multi-Cultural Organization organization looks inclusive with a visibly diverse board and staff actively celebrates diversity focuses on reducing prejudice but is uncomfortable naming racism continues to assume dominant culture ways of doing things most desirable assume a level playing field emphasize belief in equality but still no power analysis workaholism desired and rewarded still uncomfortable with conflict designed to build power until people speak up and out some attempt to understand issue/problem in relation to big pi
Token or Affirmative Action Organization still top down although inclusivity is stressed those in power assume their standards and ways of doing things are neutral, most desirable and form the basis for what is considered “qualified” people expected to be highly motivated self-starters requiring little supervision some training may be provided no power analysis conflict avoided emphasis on people getting along discussion of race limited to prejudice reduction intent is to be inclusive little analysis about root causes of issues/
All White Club top down, paternalistic often secretive success measured by how much is accomplished little if any attention paid to process, or how work gets done little if any leadership or staff development no discussion of power analysis or oppression issues conflict is avoided at all costs people who raise issues that make people uncomfortable are considered troublemakers or hard to work with leaders assume “ we are all the same” not about building power for communities of color designed to help people who ha
Culture Programs