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P. 96
Dismantling Racism Resource Book
The spokesperson of color isn’t rooted in the community and has no depth of
relationship to the community of color
The organization is engaging that spokesperson without any interest in engaging
the community itself
When adding a race analysis shines the spotlight on a community that puts them in
jeopardy, diverts their energy and focus, puts them in a situation they don’t want to be
in, and wasn’t asked for
What is and has been your organization’s relationships with
people of color organizations and communities of color?
White or predominantly white organizations that have no relationship with people of color
or organizations and communities of color are not ready to move a racial justice campaign.
Nor are they ready if the relationships they do have with people of color are not
particularly deep or lack a level of meaningful trust. In this context, white organizations
should be beginning to develop alliances with organizations and communities of color by
educating themselves about relevant issues and building relationships.
In regions or places where people of color organizations are few and communities of color
are isolated, white and predominantly white organizations must act creatively to seek
avenues of accountability in their racial justice work. This may mean building relationships
with key organizations of color and leaders outside their community, town, city, or state.
Regional organizations can be useful in helping to identify possible alliances that can hold
white and predominantly white organizations accountable and that can potentially
strengthen and support isolated organizations of color.
Have organizations of color identified a need for support on an
issue or campaign?
How would you know if people of color have identified a need for support on an issue or
campaign? This is related to your organization’s level of relationship with people and
communities of color. Is your organization answering this question based on common
knowledge, media reports, or a specific request for your support?
Dismantling Racism Project 94 Western States Center