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P. 97
Dismantling Racism Resource Book
Is there a shared and sharp analysis of race and racism among the
organization’s leadership and membership?
There does not need to be a shared analysis of race and racism among the entire
organization in order to begin racial justice work (although that would be better), but if
there is little shared language and analysis problems will result. Is there enough of a
shared analysis among leadership that the work won’t be compromised? Note that the
actual process of engaging in campaign work can create opportunities for membership
education if you plan for it.
Dismantling racism training and political education are effective methods of developing
shared organizational analysis. An organization that is really struggling to find a language
to talk about race and racism in their own organization and in their organizing work may
not be ready to move a racial justice campaign.
Do you expect some resistance to taking on more explicit racial
justice work?
Any type of change often comes with some level of resistance. From whom is the
resistance likely to come and why? Resistance should be expected and can be worked
through. Membership and constituency education can help avoid resistance as well as
surface inevitable resistance in a structured setting where it can be productively
discussed and challenged.
Common Points of Resistance among white organizations
Fear of POC coming into the organization
If the majority of membership or leadership of an organization is fearful of people
of color coming in to the organization, then that organization is definitely not in a
good position to seriously take on a racial justice focus. Rather the organization
should most likely focus on internal dismantling racism education. If, however, this
fear is isolated to just part of the membership or leadership than it may be
possible to move forward with a racial justice organizing campaign while doing
intentional internal dismantling racism education.
The research phase of an organization’s campaign may provide an opportunity to provide
some of the internal education needed to dismantle racist fears. Empirical and anecdotal
data may move white members and leaders to begin to focus on issues rather than their
own racist beliefs.
Dismantling Racism Project 95 Western States Center