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Dismantling Racism Resource Book
Videos for Loan
The Dismantling Racism Project at Western States Center has many videos for
loan to organizations, change teams and caucuses. More detailed descriptions of
video content can be found on our website at
COLOR ADJUSTMENT, Directed by Marlon Riggs (1991) 87 minutes
In Color Adjustment, Marlon Riggs carries his landmark studies of prejudice into the Television
Age. He traces 40 years of race relations through the lens of prime time entertainment,
scrutinizing television's racial myths and stereotypes.
ETHNIC NOTIONS, Directed by Marlon Riggs (1987) 56 minutes
Ethnic Notions is Marlon Riggs' Emmy-winning documentary that takes viewers on a disturbing
voyage through American history, tracing for the first time the deep-rooted stereotypes which
have fueled anti-black prejudice. Through these images we begin to understand the evolution of
racial consciousness in America.
TONGUES UNTIED, Directed by Marlon Riggs (1989) 55 minutes
Tongues Untied is Marlon Riggs’ acclaimed exploration of giving voice to the experiences of being
black and gay. Using poetry, personal testimony, music and performance, Tongues Untied
describes the homophobia and racism confronting black gay men. Riggs illuminates the violent
oppression that tries to silence black gay experience. He also illuminates the rich cultures that
are created when black gay men break the silence and recognize each other as brothers.
BLACK IS. . . BLACK AIN”T, Directed by Marlon Riggs (1995) 87 minutes
Black Is...Black Ain't, jumps into the middle of explosive debates over black identity. It is a film
every African American should see, ponder and discuss. White Americans have always
stereotyped African Americans. But the rigid definitions of "blackness" which African Americans
impose on each other, Riggs claims, have also been devastating. Is there an essential black
identity? Is there a litmus test defining the real black man and true black women?
TRUE COLORS, Primetime Live – ABC News with Diane Sawyer
This Primetime Investigation report shows video footage of how two men, differing only in
their skin color, were treated differently over two and a half weeks in St. Louis, MO.
This video documents the racism picked up by hidden cameras as these men approached
the same exact businesses while looking for jobs, apartments, cars, etc.
LOCAL COLOR, Reported by Jon Tuttle 1 hour
This documentary explores Oregon’s and especially Portland’s history as its racist laws and
attitudes have fluctuated over the past eighty years. It documents the black businesses
Dismantling Racism Project 117 Western States Center