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P. 18
19th century magazine cover editorializing against Chinese immigration.
mmigration: Between the 19th & 20th Centuries
Over 600 over 600 separate pieces of anti-Asian legisla-
separate pieces Ition were passed limiting Asians from citizenship.
of anti-Asian Non-citizens had almost no rights. Whites could kill
Asians with impunity because they could not testify in
legislation were court. 10
passed limiting nter-racial marriage : Eugenics provided a new
Asians from set of arguments to support existing restrictions on
citizenship. Iinter-racial marriage. By 1915, 28 states made a
marriage between “negroes”, asians, “indians” lati-
nos and a white person illegal. 6 states included such
prohibitions in their constitutions. Virginia’s Racial
6 The Construction of Race & Racism The Construction of Race & Racism 7