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P. 20

Chart illustrated the rapid growth of eugenical sterilization in the early 20th century.

               terilization:  Eugenics also promoted steriliza-  the history of the United States (and the most un-
               tion. A man by the name of Harry Laughlin       known) targeted Puerto Rican women.
         Spromoted the model sterilization law in Vir-
         ginia in 1914.                                             The US Government, the medical community,
                                                               and local government of Puerto Rico sterilized 1/3 of
              The Model Eugenical Sterilization law proposed   Puerto Rican women from the 1930s to 1965. This
         the sterilization of the “socially inadequate” - people   was done by a massive campaign of public mis-edu-
         supported in institutions or “maintained wholly or in   cation and promotion, manipulation, and subsidizing
         part by public expense.” The law encompassed the      the operation. Part of this was the result of racist and
         “feeble minded, insane, criminalistic, epileptic, inebri-  ignorant fears about over population as well as US
         ate, diseased, blind, deaf, deformed and dependent”    industries wanting to encourage the development of a
         including “orphans, tramps, the homeless and pau-      cheap workforce of Puerto Rican women freed from
         pers.” By 1914, 12 states passed sterilization laws. 12  childcare for employment.  This is an incredibly sad
                                                                story which is also incredibly well documented. Note,
             Clearly, Eugenics in its conception and imple-     Puerto Rican women, particularly in government
         mentation involved an intersection of oppressions:     housing projects, were also the guinea pigs for test-
        sexism, classism, and abelism, but what constitutes the  ing the contraceptive pill in 1956. These pills were 20
        most successful and widespread eugenics program in      times stronger than pills on the market by the 1980s.

 8  The Construction of Race & Racism  The Construction of Race & Racism                                        9
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