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P. 23

This thing Called


                                                                      he term white emerged as a classifi cation of
                                                                      people during the 1700s in the British colonies
                                                               Tof North America. Europeans were immigrating
                                                               to  “the New World” for many reasons, some seek-
                                                               ing prosperity while many
                                                               people were escaping                 “Whiteness
                                                               persecution, particularly       is a constantly
                                                               religious and ethnic con-
                                                               fl ict. As Europeans arrived              shifting
                                                               in America, groups such as             boundary
                                                               Germans, Dutch, English,
                                                               French etc. were brought              separating
                                                               into close proximity, most            those who
                                                               of them for the fi rst time.
                                                                                                are entitled to

                                                                    In the colonies, the          have certain
                                                               European settlers in power
                                                               were under considerable        privileges from
                                                               stress, attempting to main-         those whose
                                                               tain control of their Afri-
                                                               can Slaves and their white          exploitation
                                                               indentured servants, while                      and
                                                               trying to protect them-
                                                               selves from the perceived          vulnerability
                                                               threat from Native Ameri-         to violence is
                                                               cans. At this time, poor
                                                               white indentured servants            justifi ed by
                                                               were building alliances         their not being
                                                               and relationships with
                                                               African slaves due to their               white.”
                                                               similar state of oppression.

                                                                    The term white was defi ned as anyone without a
                                                               drop on African or Indian blood. The category white
                                                               was created as a political construct that was used as an
                                                               organizing tool to unite Europeans in order to con-
                                                               solidate strength,  increasing their ability to maintain
                                                               control and dominance over the Native Americans
                                                               and African slaves, which in many places outnum-
                                                               bered Europeans. “Whiteness is a constantly shifting
                                                               boundary separating those who are entitled to have
        These maps show the amount of land that Native Americans   certain privileges from those whose exploitation and
        controlled over the passage of time – detailing the massive scale
        of expropriation justifi ed by “Manifest Destiny.”     vulnerability to violence is justifi ed by their not being
                                                               white.” 16
         12                The Construction of Race & Racism                                                                                         The Construction of Race & Racism                                                  13
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