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P. 32
Dismantling Racism Resource Book
organizing, for example, to raise enormous funds to provide a liver transplant for an individual
child but do not work together to change the medical system so that all who need them can get
organ transplants. The emphasis upon individual solutions is counter to movement making, to
broad social change. The emphasis upon individual achievement feeds right into blaming those
who don’t succeed for their failure. It separates people rather than bringing them together to
make change.
We must find ways to build coalition, to make broad social changes for all of us. There are
many more people who are considered the Other (though called, ironically, the minority) than
those who are defined as the Norm. We must become allies in a movement that works against
power and control by the few and for shared power and resources for the many. To do this work,
we will have to build a program that provides an analysis of the oppressions, their connections,
and together we must seek ways to change those systems that limit our lives.
Dismantling Racism Project 32 Western States Center