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P. 35

Dismantling Racism                                                                         Resource Book


               Definition: the selective presentation and false representation of the lives and histories of
               particular groups of people.
               Example: The continued dissemination  Example: After the Civil War, many racist portrayals of
               of information regarding sexual abuse  black people were created by white people who feared
               of children that tells us that gay men   black equality.  Among them was the new myth of the black
               sexually assault boys.  Statistically   male rapist of white women, which was used to justify
               speaking, crimes against children are   hundreds of lynchings.  Ironically, white men had
               perpetrated by heterosexual men.      systematically raped black women in slavery, often as a
                                                     means of reproduction of laborers.


               Definition: defining people through beliefs about a group of which they are a part; usually a product
               of ignorance about the diversity among individuals within any given group.
               Example: The stereotype that bisexual people are   Example: Stereotyping Jewish people as
               promiscuous. This stereotype erases the humanity   stingy. Both selfish and giving people can be
               and diversity of bisexual people and disregards the   found among every group.  In many Jewish
               processes by which individuals of all sexual       communities today, the obligation to “tikkun
               orientations go about choosing a way of life       olam”, to heal and transform the world,
               appropriate to their values.                       guides individual and community involvement.

                                              BLAMING THE VICTIM
               Definition: assigning blame to the targets of oppression for the oppression itself and for its
               Example: A rapist saying that a woman      Example: In situations of violence against people who
               “asked for it”.  Historically, women of color  are bisexual, gay, lesbian, and/or transgender, the
               have been especially vulnerable to these   charge is often made by attackers that the targets of
               accusations because part of racist         violence were flaunting their sexuality or not acting
               devaluation has been to sexualize women    the way their gender should. Consider that few, if
               of color in order to inflate the purity of   any, heterosexual couples are attacked for holding
               white women.                               hands in public (unless they are interracial).

               Definition: a limited number of people (pick one and only one) from non-dominant groups are chosen
               for prestigious positions in order to deflect criticism of oppression.
               Example: Recruiting a person of color on an        Example: Appointing a woman to a high
               otherwise white board of directors with no         faculty position at a university with the
               intention of actually serving the needs of people of   intention of preventing the need to hire
               color.                                             other women faculty.

               Dismantling Racism Project                            35                                          Western States Center
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