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P. 34

Dismantling Racism                                                                         Resource Book

                                      VIOLENCE/THREAT OF VIOLENCE
               Definition: the sanctioning of violence either through direct threat or through lack of protection.
               Example: As Asian American communities started    Example: Recent statistics indicate that one in
               to profit in California in the nineteenth century,   three women are targets of sexualized
               their farms and businesses were burned down, and   violence in their lifetime. Most women live
               they were physically assaulted with little recourse   with the understanding and fear that they
               to justice.                                       may be targets of rape.

                                                      THE OTHER
               Definition: those who are not part of the defined norm
               Example: Aristotle believed that women were simply a   Example: The historical development of
               weaker version of men, and Freud defined women in     views toward people of color offer
               terms of lack (lacking the phallus).  Although women   evidence that the Other is not simply a
               are not a minority, this culture sees them as the     chance of relations between different
               Other in relation to a male norm.  Cast from the norm,  groups of people, but rather a carefully
               women in western society have often been viewed as    and consciously constructed set of power
               mysterious and as something to be discovered.         relations based on discernible differences.

                                         INTERNALIZED OPPRESSION
               Definition: the devaluing of ones own identity and culture according to societal norms.
               Example: Rates of suicide are high among BGLT youth  Example: Women often do not pursue full
               in part because they have grown up in a culture that   medical care because they feel they do not
               has taught them that their identity is not valued.   deserve good medical care.

               Definition: ignoring or denying the existence, histories and achievements of certain groups of
               Example: Most Americans, regardless of race or ethnicity,   Example: Many people believe they do
               are taught history in such a way that they do not know    not know anyone who is gay.  Yet many
               what various communities of color and what white women    trans, lesbian, bisexual and gay people
               were doing over the course of US history.  The absence of   do not reveal their identities to
               visibility gives the impression that aside from a few     family and friends and co-workers out
               exceptional people, they were not “doing” anything worth   of fear of rejection or discrimination.

                                           HORIZONTAL HOSTILITY
               Definition: acting out toward other members of the target group; safer than confronting
               oppressive forces.
               Example: Gang violence within   Example: Discouraging people of one’s cultural group from
               communities of color.           succeeding in the larger society with the accusation of selling out.

               Dismantling Racism Project                            34                                          Western States Center
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