Page 23 - Calvert Health Magazine
P. 23

which was recorded as the first gift
                of the organization’s largest-ever
                campaign. “Every dollar makes a
                difference,” said Lynette Entzian,
                Chair of the CalvertHealth Foundation.
                “Samantha’s gift is proof. Eighteen
                months and three million dollars
                later, we have broken a record as we
                celebrate the largest amount ever
                raised for our hospital in a single   The 2018 Harvest Ball Planning Committee has much to celebrate after this year’s record-
                campaign.”                           breaking event. Since it began 30 years ago, the annual black-tie charity gala has raised
                                                     nearly $3.5 million.
                The Importance of Privacy            Teague was standing on stage with    members of the community, grateful

                “You don’t understand until you are   his mother, Sue - who was featured   patients of the hospital and local
                here at the hospital the importance of   in the video. Emcee, Don Parsons   businesses still wanting to be a part
                privacy,” said Foundation supporter   noted that Mr. Teague was not on    of this important project, we are now
                and Calvert County resident Malcolm   stage as the President and CEO of   reaching for our stretch goal and will be
                Funn. “I applaud the hospital, the   CalvertHealth, but as a son, driving   extending our campaign through 2019.”
                Foundation and CEO Dean Teague for   home the point that having access        The first phase of the private room
                making this a major project. To me, it   to quality care is something that   expansion is scheduled to open in the
                is the way all hospitals should be.”    touches us all at one point or another.   spring. Campaign supporters will be
                    At the 2018 Harvest Ball, Funn,      “So many of us have been         invited to a ribbon-cutting ceremony to
                along with patient Sue Teague and    impacted by CalvertHealth Medical    see the impact of their support and be
                Brittany Milsap, the daughter of a   Center – we have been patients, we   the first to see the new medical center.
                patient, shared their stories via a pre-  have been visitors, we have been   “There are many ways for supporters
                recorded video with the more than    volunteers or employees. Sharing a   to contribute to the campaign,” shared
                600 guests in attendance. Funn and   common thread, we are all advocates   Entzian. “My husband and I found a
                Milsap recounted their experiences   for quality health care” said Cindy   five-year pledge to be the best option
                in sharing time with their loved     Parlett, who co-chaired this year’s   while some of our friends chose a one-
                ones, some of those moments for the   record-breaking event. Since it began   time outright gift of cash or stocks.
                last time, and how having a private   30 years ago, the annual black-     We work to help each donor find a way
                room impacted their ability to feel   tie charity gala is one of the most   to give the gift that most conveniently
                comfortable. “I spent a lot of hours   successful fundraisers for the hospital   meets their philanthropic capacity
                there (at the hospital), just crying,”   and has helped fund new medical   and interests.”
                                                                                              To learn more about the campaign

                shared Milsap. “And I can’t imagine   technology, equipment and initiatives
                what it would be like to have another   at CalvertHealth Medical Center.  or to become a part of the Building
                                                                                          on a Century of Care Capital Campaign’s
                person in the hospital room sitting                                       generous team of supporters, visit
                next to you listening to every word   Igniting the Difference    or
                you say, every emotion you give out   “The community has embraced the     call 410.414.4570.
                while you’re there. It’s private. You   private room expansion project
                don’t want everyone else to hear.”   because it impacts all of us,” said
                       “I think the people of Calvert   Theresa Johnson, Associate Vice      Special Thanks
                County will really love the feeling   President of Philanthropy and          to Presenting Sponsors:
                of just being well taken care of, and   Corporate Communication. “In just    Curtis Investment Group,
                that’s exactly the way I felt” said Sue   shy of two years, we have been     MedStar Shah Medical Group
                Teague. “When you don’t feel good,   fortunate to receive leadership gifts   and Rod ‘N’ Reel Resort for
                you don’t want to talk to anyone else   from our community,  physicians      their support of the 2018 Fire
                or hear anyone else’s problems.” At   and employees, which have helped       & Ice Harvest Ball.
                the conclusion of the video, CEO Dean   us achieve our $3-million goal. With

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