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Dismantling Racism                                                                         Resource Book

               White People’s RESISTANCE

               The following three pages are adapted from Paul Kivel’s Uprooting Racism, 1996, pp.
               40-46.  We’ve noted original authors when Kivel utilized other’s work.

               Tactics of Resistance

               Tactic              What it is                      What is sounds like

                                   Denial of existence of          Discrimination is a thing of the past.

               Denial              oppression; denial of           It’s a level playing field.
                                   responsibility for it           It’s not my fault; I’m not responsible

                                   Playing down the damage         Racism isn’t a big problem anymore

               Minimization                                        It’s not that bad

                                   Justifying the oppression,      Look at the way they act.
                                   blaming the victims of          If they weren’t so angry. . .
                                   oppression for it               Women are too emotional

               Lack of Intent      Claims the damage is            I didn’t mean it like that.
                                                                   It was only a joke.

                                   The oppression happened         Slavery was over a long time ago.
               It’s over now       in the past and is no longer    Feminism has gone too far.
                                   an issue

                                   Claiming that targets of        Women really have all the power.
                                   oppression have so much         We just want our rights too.

               victimization       power that society is           They’re taking away our jobs.
                                   threatened.                     White people are under attack.

               Dismantling Racism Project                            50                                          Western States Center
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