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P. 54
Dismantling Racism Resource Book
Characteristics of Anti-Racist White Allies
Attitudes and Behaviors
Adapted from 10 attitudes and behaviors which help us become Strong Anti-Racist Allies, developed
by Grassroots Leadership’s Barriers and Bridges Program
All white people are racist. I am a racist.
I will never know what it is like to be a person of color in this country. While it is
important to build empathy, I need to acknowledge that I cannot know what it is
really like.
I expect to be uncomfortable as a white anti-racist ally. Discomfort offers an
opportunity for reflection and deeper understanding, which leads to change, which
can be scary, but necessary and fulfilling. Because white supremacist culture allows
white people to remain comfortable, I will need to actively seek situations that will
provide me the opportunity to change and grow.
I can love myself even though I am racist because I have made a commitment to
fight my own racism and racism in the larger society. I expect to make mistakes,
learn from them, and am compassionate to myself and others as I make this
Despite my best intentions I will still act out racism and people of color may have
reason to be angry with me. I will not die from anger or criticism; in fact I will grow
and become stronger.
When people of color criticize what I say or do, I will accept it as useful information
to help me in my learning without always having to explain to them why I said what
I said or did what I did. I realize that sometimes my explanations leave the
impression that the criticism is not heard and blocks further communication. I
always keep the right to act on the criticism in whatever way seems most
appropriate once I have had time to reflect.
I do not expect or want to be ‘absolved’ for my racism by people of color. I am
centered in my own commitment to fight racism, without needing that commitment
to be acknowledged by others.
I am always open to questioning my assumptions, even when I act on them because
I must act. I realize that I will always have more to learn about how my
commitment to fighting racism can be more effective.
I am part of an active anti-racist, freedom movement which began long before I
came and will carry on long after I am gone. I am proud to contribute to that
movement and to be building a support community of white anti-racist allies.
Dismantling Racism Project 54 Western States Center