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Dismantling Racism                                                                         Resource Book

               Moving From Concern to Action
               Adapted from work by Andrea Azvazian, James Edler, University of Maryland, and Judy H.
               Katz, author of White Awareness: Handbook for Anti-Racist Training.

                 Have I intentionally and aggressively sought to educate myself further on issues of
                   racism by talking with others, viewing films/videos, finding reading material,
                   attending lectures, joining a study group or other activities?

                 Have I spent some time reflecting on my own childhood and upbringing and
                   analyzing where, how and when I was receiving racist messages?

                 Have I spent some time recently looking at my own attitudes and behaviors as an
                   adult to determine how I am contributing to or combating racism?
                 Have I eliminated my use of language, light and dark imagery and other terms or
                   phrases that might be degrading or hurtful to others?

                 Have I openly disagreed with a racist comment, joke, reference, or action among
                   those around me?
                 Have I made a clear promise to myself that I will interrupt racist comments, actions,
                   etc. that occur around me – even when this involves some personal risk?
                 Have I grown in my awareness of racism in TV programs, advertising, and news

                 Have I objected to those in charge about racism in TV programs, advertising, and
                   news coverage?
                 Have I taken steps to organize discussion groups or a workshop aimed at unlearning
                   racism with friends, family members, colleagues, or members of my house of
                 Have I organized to support political candidates committed to racial justice and to
                   oppose political candidates who are not?

                 Have I contributed financially to an organization, fund, or project that actively
                   confronts the problems of racism?
                 Do my personal buying habits support stores and companies that demonstrate a
                   commitment to racial justice both in the U.S. and in other countries?
                 Have I organized to support multi-cultural anti-racist curriculum in local schools?

                 Do I see myself as a resource person for referrals – directing white people to
                   individuals, organizations and resources who assist others in dismantling racism?

                  Have I made a contract with myself to keep paying attention to the issue of racism
                   over weeks, months, and years?

               Dismantling Racism Project                            55                                          Western States Center
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