Page 43 - BigConversationsDismantlingRacism
P. 43

The printing cost for the Building Bridges Resource Guide was donated by Middleham (for
                      the first and second edition) and the Community Mediation Center (for the third revision).

                               Steps                                     Action(s)
                       Find Out Who’s         Our committee members had already partnered with a number of
                       Doing the Work         these groups through the years, so we had a head start. Watch the
                                              local papers. Do an internet search. Check with the local library –
                                              they’re often tied into an amazing amount of information about
                                              what’s going on in the community.
                       Confirm Points of      Community advocacy groups are often short staffed and under-
                       Contact                resourced. Be persistent in contacting the PoC to confirm. If you
                                              can’t make contact, look for others in the organization who may
                                              point you in the right direction.
                       Provide Brief          Be very brief! Get this from the PoC if possible. If you have to
                       Summary Information  draft it or edit it, try to confirm that they agree with what you
                       on the Groups’ Focus  have.
                       Format the Document  It will help if the format provides a ready reference,  easy-to-
                                              access in the home office or kitchen. We printed the resource
                                              guide in half-page booklet form for the event and full size for our
                                              website and email distribution.

                                                    Clearinghouse Web Site

                      As our planning committee made connections and gathered more and more information, we
                      saw the need to make that information readily available to our community. We thought it
                      important to share information not only about our program, but on events and initiatives
                      championed by our partners and others related to dismantling race and privilege in our
                      community. Two of our planning committee members again stepped forward with the skills
                      to put a web site together for us. The result was The Big Conversation Dismantling Racism
                      and Privilege Clearing House ( The cost for the website
                      domain was donated by our web developer and steering committee member.

                               Steps                                     Action(s)
                       Establish Web Site     There are enough people that have the technical skills to do this.
                                              Hopefully you, like we, will have one of them on your planning
                                              committee or readily accessible to you.
                       Determine Desired      Figure out what you want to share and what you don’t want to
                       Content and Layout     share. Who will control the site and who may contribute to the
                       of Site                site? Our first priority was to do outreach for our Dismantling
                                              Racism events and to share information gathered during the
                                              programs. We wanted to make the Building Bridges Resource
                                              Guide readily available. And we wanted to share information and
                                              resources that we gained as we planned and conducted our

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