Page 44 - BigConversationsDismantlingRacism
P. 44
What Information is We chose to keep the web site narrowly focused upon events and
to be Shared and/or organizations doing specific work aimed at dismantling racism
Accepted from and privilege in our community. While we might appreciate
Others? another organization’s upcoming social event or fundraiser, we
decided not to accept such information as it would dilute the
focus of our site. We established the following criteria:
• Submissions must be articles or events related to
Dismantling Racism and Privilege.
• If a submission is from another source, it must have
appropriate attribution following United States copyright
• Event flyers should be submitted in final form and be ready
for publication.
• The Clearinghouse does not accept blogs or comments.
• The committee reserves the right to reject submitted
material. Include contact information with submissions.
• Send all submissions to:
Establish When first standing up such a web site, everyone has a lot of
Configuration good ideas to share about how information should be presented.
Control While that creativity can add to the earlier phases of the web site
development, it soon becomes a burden as the site is stood up and
needs to be managed. Our planning committee soon chose to
establish a Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG) to
review all proposed changes to the site.
Update as Required Software changes reviewed by the SEPG are best tracked and
periodically incorporated as a “block upgrade”.
Debriefing the Event
Needless to say, having put so much time and energy into the planning, organization and
conduct of a large community conversation, it’s important to gather and document feedback
from attendees and lessons learned by everyone involved. The following items were
carefully collected after the events and consolidated in electronic documents for committee
Steps Action(s)
Notes from Small- Poster papers used to scribe notes or comments from participants
Group Conversations in small group conversations. Attachment (12)
Facilitator Summary Key items from the small-group conversation as reported back to
Reports from Small- the large group at the close of the event.
Group Discussions
Exit Cards Comments solicited of the attendees. We found that attendees
were more than willing to fill these out – we received a large
percentage of the cards provided to each attendee and these
comments provided important feedback. Attachment (13).