Page 9 - Calvert Health Magazine
P. 9


                Donors Help Fulfill the Mission

                                                                                   Since 1989, the CalvertHealth
                The people of the county were so eager to support the first
                hospital; they made more than $2,000 in pledges at the 1919        Foundation has raised more
                dedication. Neighbors with ice houses gave ice. Farmers            than $10 million to help
                donated fruits and vegetables.
                                                                                   purchase the latest medical
                    In the 1950s, area homemakers raised funds for an automatic washer   technology, improve facilities
                and dryer, as well as a freezer, for the one-story brick building. The hospital’s
                history is filled with stories of those who have stepped forward to make   and expand services.
                meaningful gifts. “The hospital has always enjoyed strong community
                support,” said Xinis, who formed the hospital’s foundation in 1989.
                    The Donovan family of Chesapeake Beach is just one example. “For as
                long as I can remember,” said Gerald W. Donovan, “CalvertHealth has a
                history of improving health care for our community. My father (Frederick   Left: Frederick J. Donovan testifies at CON (Certificate
                J. Donovan) served on the board. My sister, Joanie Kilmon, followed   of Need) hearing in 1974. He served three terms on the
                in his footsteps and served on the committee, which began focusing on   hospital board and was instrumental in securing the
                wellness as an integral part of health care.                  funds to build the new hospital in 1978.
                    “Donations after the death of my grandfather, Wesley Stinnett, were   Photo by The Calvert Recorder
                the foundation for the scholarship fund that continues today,” he added.
                “Our hospital has been there for all of us – you, me, our friends and our   Inset: In 1998, Capital Campaign Chairman Denny Murray
                families. We are proud to do our part.”                       described himself as a “very grateful patient” whose life
                    Their generosity is mirrored by thousands more from the medical   was saved in the Emergency Department after a heart
                staff, board members, the auxiliary, employees, businesses, corporate   attack. File Photo
                vendors and caring individuals from the community. “I tell people   Below: Marianne Harms’ major gift in 2016 enabled the
                whatever you do will make an impact,” said Foundation board member   Sheldon E. Goldberg Center for Breast Care to add exam
                Maria Lubrano. “In a small way, we are all part of what is being   rooms, enlarge its library and expand access for the
                accomplished.”                                                community. File Photo

                                                                                                “It’s very reassuring to

                                                                                                know CalvertHealth is
                                                                                                there to take care of you
                                                                                                when you need help.”

                                                                                                    – Marianne Harms

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