Page 14 - Calvert Health Magazine
P. 14

Winter 2019                                     calendar

                CalvertHealth is proud to join with   Weight Loss for Life                NEW!   Heart Health Month Special
                our community partners to bring you   Wednesdays        5:30-7:15 p.m.    Program: Simple Cooking with Heart
                classes, wellness programs, health   March 13 – May 1                     February 28        6-8 p.m.
                screenings and events to help you live   Patuxent Health Center           Patuxent Health Center
                a healthier life. For more information                                    Cooking at home is good for your heart and
                about the events listed here, please   This eight-week session blends nutritional   your budget! In honor of Heart Health Month,
                                                     education with a registered dietician and
                call the numbers listed or contact the   group fitness instruction to help you learn   learn new cooking skills and make quick,
                CalvertHealth Community Wellness     how to lose weight and keep it off.    affordable and heart-healthy recipes.
                Office at 410.535.8233. For a complete   $90 per person.                  $10 per person.
                listing of classes and events, please visit
                our website at CalvertHealthMedicine.  Healthy4Life                       HEALTHWISE
                org/Classes.                         Tuesdays             6:30-8 p.m.     CalvertHealth Foundation Estate
                                                     March 12 – April 30                  Planning Series: Family Love Letters
                DIABETES EDUCATION                   Patuxent Health Center               February 12        Noon-1 p.m.
                Diabetes Self-Management Class       Healthy4Life is a weight management   Classrooms 1 and 2
                Wednesdays         9 a.m.-4 p.m.     program for boys and girls ages 13-18 years-  Your  ‘love letters’  will provide written
                                                     old. Course topics include learning healthy   guidance, sentimental advice and detailed
                CHMC Classroom 2 (basement level)    eating, portion sizes and label reading as   financial information to help carry on your
                Taught by certified diabetic educators, this   well as exercising in a group setting with a   legacy. This seminar helps you create a well
                comprehensive one-day class includes   personal trainer (at Results Health & Fitness   thought out plan during a chaotic time for
                individual meal planning, meter training,   Club in Prince Frederick). $90 per person.  your loved ones; tackling difficult subject
                health assessment, goal setting and follow                                matter in an effort to relieve family members
                up by a registered nurse and certified   Weigh to Wellness                of tough decisions and tasks. From heartfelt
                diabetic educator. Physician referral required,   Wednesdays      4:30-5:15 p.m.  advice to children and personal wishes,
                covered by most insurance. To register, call                              to account passwords and the location of
                410.414.4809.                        Patuxent Health Center
                                                     Join us for weekly weigh-ins and a half-hour   important financial documents, participants
                Prevent Type 2 Diabetes              weekly discussion to keep you accountable   will be given a workbook to draft and prepare
                Designed for those with prediabetes, this   and motivated! $10 per class or $30 for a   their own Family Love Letter as an important
                year long lifestyle change program is divided   month.                    and helpful gift to leave their family members.
                into 16 weekly sessions followed by monthly                               This seminar is presented by Denise Bowman,
                sessions. The program goal is to reduce body   NEW!  Weigh to Fitness     Attorney at Law, Davis Upton & Palumbo and
                weight by 7% and increase physical activity   Mondays      6-7 p.m.       is free and open to the public; pre-registration
                by 150 minutes per week.  Classes form   Patuxent Health Center           is appreciated by calling 410.535.8348.
                regularly, call 410.535.5400 x357 for more   Join us for a weekly fitness coaching session
                information.                         with a personal trainer in a group setting.   CalvertHealth Foundation Estate
                                                                                          Planning Series: Charitable Trusts:
                Living Well with Diabetes            Get help starting an exercise program, have   Where Philanthropic Planning Meets
                                                     your fitness questions answered and discuss
                A six-week self-management class for those   techniques so you can get the most out of   Estate Planning
                with Type 2 or prediabetes. Classes are   your fitness routine. $15 per class or $45 for   April 3     4-5 p.m.
                formed regularly, call 410.535.5400 x459 for   a month.                   Classrooms 1 and 2
                more information.                                                         Selecting the right assets to fulfill charitable

                HEALTH & WELLNESS                    .........................................  goals takes careful planning. This informative
                                                                                          session will help participants understand
                Meal Planning Workshop                 During                             the many tax benefits and long-term wealth
                March 14       6:30-8 p.m.             Construction:                      implications when selecting a charitable
                Patuxent Health Center                                                    trust as part of their estate plan. Learn how
                                                                                          trusts can be used to generate life income,
                This hands-on workshop will teach you   All visitors should use the       lower tax burden, shelter assets and make a
                everything you need to know to be      Emergency Department               difference to the charitable causes you most
                successful with meal planning. Each    entrance when attending            value.  Presented by Thomas Bird, Wells Fargo
                participant will leave with a personalized   a class at CalvertHealth     Advisors, this seminar is free and open to
                meal plan. $10 per person, light dinner will                              the public; pre-registration is appreciated by
                be provided.                           Medical Center.                    calling 410.535.8348.

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