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Hance Joins Breast

                                                FEB. 4                                         Center Team
                                                  IS                                           Megan Hance, RN has
                                            WORLD CANCER
                A partnership with Johns         DAY          keep the cancer in check over    joined the team at the
                Hopkins Medicine brings Johns                 time.” There are many studies    Sheldon E. Goldberg
                Hopkins breast imagers onsite                 ongoing, but immunotherapy has   Center for Breast Care
                for diagnostic studies and procedures.  been approved for treating cancers of the   at CalvertHealth as a
                                                      lung, colon, bladder, head and neck, as well   breast health nurse
                Keeping Pace with Medical             as lymphoma and metastatic melanoma.     navigator. She brings
                Advances                              These drugs offer great potential for    broad experience
                CalvertHealth is proud to offer full-time   effectiveness and longer survival with   and expertise to  the
                                                      fewer side effects, even for people with
                                                                                               program including six
                genetic counseling and testing services   stage IV cancers.                    years as an oncology
                to our community. Genetic testing can                                          nurse with CalvertHealth Hematology &
                play an important role in a patient’s   Know Us Now for Cancer Care            Oncology. She will join nurse navigator
                personalized cancer treatment program.
                A genetic counselor can help assess your   in Calvert County                   Diana Lewis, RN, BSN, OCN, who has
                risk, explain your options and address   “Our cancer care program combines     been working with breast and thoracic
                how the results can impact your care.   multidisciplinary expertise and        patients since 2017.
                     “The field of genetic testing for   dedicated support staff with state-      “Working with the providers in the
                hereditary cancers is rapidly evolving,   of-the-art technology and evidenced-  CalvertHealth Hematology & Oncology
                resulting in more comprehensive       based treatment protocols,” said Kasia   office has given me insight as to how
                information than we’ve ever had before,”   Sweeney, who oversees oncology      treatment plans are developed and
                said Dr. Arati Patel, medical director   services at CHMC. “And, as a community   importance of involving patients in their
                for the Sheldon E. Goldberg Center    hospital, we are able to provide care in   care plans,” she said. “I feel this will be
                for Breast Care at CalvertHealth.     a personalized way that our patients tell   especially beneficial in my new role as
                “This testing is having a positive impact   me they really appreciate.”        breast care navigator.”
                on patient care and medical decision-,      Born and raised in Calvert, Hance
                making.”                              a new website, was launched this year    said it is important to her to be able to
                    She went on to add, “Although there   to help patients and families navigate   serve her community. “I chose oncology
                are various avenues for testing, we   treatment options. “We’re always         because you can make a lasting impact on
                strongly encourage patients to meet with   looking for new ways meet the needs of   a patient and their family.”
                a certified genetic counselor who can help   our community,” said Dr. Abbott. “Our      Her office is located at Calvert
                them understand the process and what   patients told us they wanted an online   Medical Imaging Center, next to the
                steps to take based on their results.”   resource, so we spent the better part   dedicated women’s suite. When there
                    Breakthroughs in immunotherapy    of a year developing new online tools    is an abnormal finding, Hance is readily
                are giving new hope to cancer patients   to complement our clinical program.”   available to provide reassurance and
                through cutting edge treatments that enlist   The new, 54-page website provides   support. She can help lessen the
                the body’s own immune system to fight the   information on all cancer types treated   anxiety by explaining results, answering
                disease. According to Dr. Bilal Ahmed,   at CalvertHealth as well as information   questions and coordinating next steps.
                immunotherapy is one of the most exciting   on treatment options and the resources      Hance graduated from the College
                things to happen in cancer treatment in   available.
                the last 30 years.“These drugs are more      “If you or a loved one has received   of Southern Maryland with an associate
                targeted,” he said, “which means the   a cancer diagnosis, it’s natural to feel   degree in nursing in 2010 and worked on
                collateral damage to other parts of the   overwhelmed, but you won’t take this   a post-operative orthopedic unit for two
                body is limited in comparison to other   journey alone,” said Abbott.          years before coming to CalvertHealth.
                types of cancer treatment like radiation                                       She is certified as a biotherapy/
                and chemotherapy. They may also lead to   Get to know the new CalvertHealth    chemotherapy nurse.
                a persistent immune response, helping to   as we fight cancer together.           Her philosophy of care is all about
                                                                                               patient empowerment. “I want our
                                                                                               patients to feel at ease and comfortable
                   MEET THE SPECIALISTS                                                        speaking with me,” she said. “It’s important
                                                                                               for them to know I am here for them. I
                   Drs. Abbott, Ahmed and Patel are board-certified medical oncologists with CalvertHealth   want them to feel informed about their
                   Hematology & Oncology. The group also includes certified genetic counselor and oncology   care decisions and to know they are part
                   nurse practitioner Sandra Cassell-Corbin, CRNP.
                                                                                               of the team.”

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