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People, Programs and Services in Our Community
Calvert Hospice Presents: Understanding Breastfeeding Support Group Breast and Cervical Cancer
Advance Directives Wednesdays 1:30-3:30 p.m. Screenings
and MOLST Level 4, CHMC You may be eligible for no-cost screenings if:
February 12 1-2:30 p.m. You are a woman age 40-64, 65 and older
Please check at information desk for any
Marziyeh Viverette, Nurse Practitioner for location changes during construction. with Medicare Part A only, you have no
Palliative Care with Calvert Hospice and David health insurance, your health insurance
Sacks, LCSW-C, Palliative Care Coordinator Baby Care Basics doesn’t fully cover the cost of screening or
with CalvertHealth will explain Advance February 6 6:30-8:30 p.m. you are under 40 with an abnormal exam.
Directives and the importance of making March 13 6:30-8:30 p.m. Call the Calvert County Health Department
decisions about personal preferences April 11 6:30-8:30 p.m. at 410.535.5400 x 350 to determine eligibility.
regarding medical treatment and care. Program funded by Maryland Department
They will review the MOLST form (Maryland Classroom 1 (basement level) of Health and CDC.
Order for Life Sustaining Treatment) and A pediatrician and registered nurse offer
explain the meaning of code status, available a comprehensive overview of baby care SUPPORT GROUPS
treatment options and required supporting for new and expectant parents (and A variety of support groups are available for
documentation. Free. To register, please call grandparents). Please note there is no CPR breastfeeding, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease,
Calvert Hospice at 410.535.0892. training in this course. Advance registration Lyme disease, breast cancer, general cancer
is required. $40 fee per couple.
Heartsaver First Aid and stroke. Call 410.535.8233 for times and
January 19 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Infant CPR locations.
April 6 9 a.m.-2 p.m. February 2 9 a.m.
Calvert Medical Arts Building, Suite 205 February 11 6 p.m.
Fees apply, advance registration is required. March 11 6 p.m.
April 8 6 p.m.
Basic Life Support for Healthcare
Providers Calvert Medical Arts Building, Suite 205
A great follow-up to Baby Care Basics! Led
Required for all healthcare providers, this by a certified American Heart Association
course is offered multiple times per month. instructor, this course will teach CPR for
Visit infants (birth-12 months). $24 per person,
for times and dates. Fees apply, advance advance registration is required.
registration required.
Safe Sitter
EDUCATION February 9 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
March 16
9 a.m.-3 p.m.
ABCs of Breastfeeding Classroom 2 (basement level) Doctors make a difference in every life
they touch. Let your doctor know what a
March 5 6-8 p.m. Safe Sitter is a medically accurate hands-on difference he or she has made in your life.
CHMC Classroom 1 (basement level) program that teaches boys and girls ages
Taught by a board-certified lactation 11-14 how to handle emergencies when With your donation of $5 or more, your doctor
consultant, this class will give the knowledge caring for children or when home alone. will receive a red carnation along with a note
and confidence to initiate and maintain Advance registration required. $45 per person. letting them know YOU are making a difference,
breastfeeding. Space is limited, advance in their honor, with your gift to the CalvertHealth
registration required. $30 per couple. CANCER SCREENINGS Foundation.
Childbirth Education Classes Colorectal Cancer Screenings HERE’S HOW:
January 26 9 a.m.-4 p.m. You may be eligible for no-cost screenings if: • Visit
March 16 9 a.m.-4 p.m. You are age 50 or older, you have no health • Enter the name of the physician you would
Classroom 1 (basement level) insurance, your health insurance does not like to recognize
fully cover the cost of the screening or if
Includes labor and delivery preparation, you are under 50 with a family history or • Write your personalized message
relaxation and breathing techniques, symptoms. Call the Calvert County Health
medication options, cesarean section Department at 410.535.5400 x 348 to • Make a donation of $5 or more to celebrate
information, breastfeeding education and determine eligibility. Program funded by your physician on National Doctors’ Day
more! Expectant mothers 30+ weeks are the Maryland Cigarette Restitution Fund • We will ensure that your carnation is delivered
welcome. $75 per couple; register under the the week of Doctors’ Day (March 25-29)
name of mom-to-be. Program.
> > Need a primary care doctor or specialist? Visit our website today at for an up-to-date listing. Need a primary care doctor or specialist? Visit our website today at for an up-to-date listing. 1515