Page 10 - Calvert Health Magazine
P. 10

celebrating  100 YEARS  1919-2019
                      A C
                      A Centuryentury
                        of Care
                        of Care

                                            The Role of a Community Hospital
          YEAR 2017                         “What’s most important for people to know is the hospital is there for them,”

          •  Dedicated $12-million          said former board chairman Henry Trentman. “It’s a resource for them and
                                            it’s continually being updated for them. Our job as a community hospital is to
             state-of-the-art               be responsive to community needs.”
             diagnostic imaging
                                               “I can tell you when I had my car accident recently, it reinforced my understanding of thank
          •  Broke ground on                God it’s there when you need it,” said Krug.
             $51-million expansion             Trentman also stressed the importance of quality and patient safety at CalvertHealth
          •  Garnered Health Quality        Medical Center. “It’s the cornerstone of any hospital and it’s important for people to know that
             Innovator Award                it gets a lot of attention.” At present, CalvertHealth has the lowest mortality and one of the
                                            lowest readmission rates statewide.
          •  Received highest AHA              “I’m very proud we’ve received Accreditation with Commendation five times in a row,” said
             honor for stroke care          Susan Dohony, chief quality officer. “Things evolve so quickly in health care. We are continually

                                            looking at best practices and making changes to meet the needs of the community.”
                                               Creating an optimal patient experience has become a major focus for CHMC.  “As a result,
                When the hospital signed a   we’ve seen the numbers go up on our patient satisfaction surveys,” said Stewart. “They are
                contract to provide full-time   way higher than they’ve ever been.” The most recent quarter had CalvertHealth with the third
                coverage for the emergency   highest scores in Maryland based on how patients rated their stay after they went home.
                department, it made front      Showalter emphasized the board’s commitment to ensuring that every member of the
                page news in the Calvert
                Independent on June 8, 1977.   community – across the board – has access to the same level of high quality care as everybody
                Courtesy of Sally Showalter  else and it’s close to home.
                                               Fowler said all of this has contributed to making the hospital a real drawing card for the
                Board Chairman Harold A.    community. “I think a lot of the progress we’ve enjoyed in the county we have to credit to the
                Crane (at left), the Hon. Judge   high quality of healthcare facilities we have.”
                John B. Gray, Jr. (at podium)      His perspective is shared by former county commissioner Hagner Mister, whose family
                and Maryland Comptroller
                Louis L. Goldstein (at right)   has lived in Calvert for seven generations. He remembers when there were only four doctors
                unveil the dedication plaque   and one dentist. “The hospital means a lot to a lot of people; especially to have one that good
                on May 7, 1978. File Photo   right here at home. It’s a great asset to Calvert County.”

                10   CALVERTHEALTH  WINTER 2019
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