Page 13 - Calvert Health Magazine
P. 13

TOP 10                                          celebrating

                  POINTS of DISTINCTION

                 1    Laser Focus on Quality. Our guiding   4  Patient Experience Comes First.   and specialists. Our strategically located
                                                                                          urgent care centers provide after-hours care
                      philosophy has always been to
                                                           Creating a positive patient experience
                      ensure the services we provide       is central to how we provide care at   for all ages. Our mobile health center travels
                to our patients are of the highest quality.   CalvertHealth Medical Center. It’s our chief   to underserved areas of the county to bring
                This commitment to quality is evidenced   concern anytime a patient stays with us   essential services.
                by the numerous accolades achieved for   but it actually begins long before you arrive
                our patient outcomes. We’ve received   and continues well after you leave. We are   8  Promoting Community Well-Being.
                Accreditation with Commendation from The   always looking for ways to raise the bar on   Our commitment to community
                                                                                                health is an essential part of our
                Joint Commission five times in a row and   customer service.              mission. We provide many different kinds of
                currently have the lowest mortality and one                               wellness programs from KeepWell@Work to our
                of the lowest readmission rates statewide.  Clinical Alliances Enhance
                                                      5    Expertise. The CHMC medical staff   Health Ministry Team Network to Transition to
                                                                                          Home. But they all share one goal – to help you
                                                           is enhanced by clinical alliances with
                 2    Leader in Innovative Medicine.   tertiary centers of excellence that bring the   live the best and healthiest life you can.
                      CalvertHealth Medical Center is
                      widely respected as a leader of   region’s top experts for breast imaging, breast   Multidisciplinary Cancer Care
                innovative medicine among community   surgery, gynecologic oncology, vascular and   9  Team. Many different experts
                hospitals. CHMC was at the forefront of   neurospine care to treat residents close to   participate on CalvertHealth’s
                adopting hospitalist medicine in Southern   home. (See related story at left.)   multidisciplinary cancer teams. Because
                Maryland, was the first to implement critical   Advanced Information Technology.   communication between these specialists
                care telemedicine in Maryland and was   6  We believe that leading the way   is vital, they meet regularly to share
                the first to launch a community health     in information technology is just   information and insights on complex cases.
                information exchange in the state.
                                                     one more way we can provide better   This coordinated and collaborative approach
                                                     service. CHMC has adopted a broad level of   means more comprehensive care for you.
                      Exemplary Patient Safety Record.
                 3    No issue receives more attention   information technology – including barcoding,   Modern Facility Delivers Better
                                                     computerized physician order entry, electronic
                      than patient safety at CHMC. It is the   health records and an online patient portal –  1  Care. Our fundamental focus in the
                top priority at all levels of our organization.   that enhances quality care, improves patient   $51-million expansion underway
                This culture of safety places the emphasis on   safety and promotes better care coordination.  is patient safety and healthier outcomes.
                prevention and being proactive – like our                                 Exceptional design, state-of-the-art
                safer airway cart initiative, which is being used   Ensuring Access to Care.   equipment and patient support are at the
                as a best practice by other hospitals and our   7  We’re working hard to ensure the   heart of this project. While our patients desire
                Opioid Stewardship Task Force, which won   community has access to the right   privacy, comfort and quiet, the new facility
                the Circle of Honor Award by the Maryland   care, at the right time, in the right place.  A   has features to enhance communication
                Patient Safety Center in 2018.       large part of that is growing our employed   with caregivers while reducing the risk of
                                                     provider network of primary care providers   infections and patient falls.

                Created Calvert Community                  Introduced Transition                          Launched Mobile
                  Dental Care to provide                     to Home to help                            Health Center to remove
                 basic care to low-income                    high-risk patients                           barriers to access in
                        families                            prevent readmission                           underserved areas
                        2009                                    2012                                          2016

                                            2010                                      2013
                                        Developed breast                          Implemented Smart
                                           center with                           IV Pumps throughout
                                         multidisciplinary                        facility to enhance
                                       expertise and state-of-                      patient safety
                                         the-art imaging

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