Page 19 - BigConversationsDismantlingRacism
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the book discussion. The questions for each chapter from the book were discussed. This
program was open to the general public.
Two avenues for the book study were offered:
a.) In person book study: Each session was one-hour in length and there were
different facilitators for each chapter. The discussion leaders were members
of the steering committee. The sessions took place on Sunday afternoons
from 3:00 -4:00 pm. Child care was provided. Each discussion leader was
asked to write a one-page reflection on their chosen chapter of the book. This
reflection would be published and posted using various media (Facebook,
church website and email) a full week prior to the discussion leaders’ session
to inspire dialogue.
b.) Online live discussion – using Facebook. This was a one-hour discussion,
but would remain open for the rest of the week for others to comment. It was
held on Wednesday evenings. The Online discussion was with the same
facilitator as the person-to-person book discussion. The moderator for both
in person and online discussions was Diane Davies, Chair of the steering
There was an average of 25 people at each session--a total of 60 individuals who took part in
all or some of the discussions. Catherine Meeks, the author of the book, attended one of the
discussions by Skype.