Page 9 - BigC_Partners_By-Laws
P. 9

Section 6.2  Voting and Decision Making

               	       	      A. The Steering Committee and Partnership will initially seek to
               make decisions on a consensus basis – a process for seeking widespread
               agreement among group members – and if agreement is not reached in that
               manner, then by majority vote.
               	       	      B.  Each organizational Partner is entitled to one vote, regardless of
               the number of attendees from that Partner.
               	       	      C.  The outcome of voting shall be determined by a simple majority
               of those voting

               VII.	   Steering Committee Responsibilities

               	       	      	      A.  The Steering Committee is responsible for setting the
               overall policy direction for the BC Partners including determining the topical
               areas to be addressed in community conversations

                           • Topics shall reflect the input from the Partners and the community.

                          • The Steering Committee will carry out extensive study and research
                              in both identifying topical areas and developing the approach for
                              the community conversation, including securing experts to support
                              the event.

                          • The Steering Committee will oversee, administer and support the
                              conversation events.

               	       B.  The Steering Committee will be responsible for communicating and
               engaging with the community and its institutions – both in preparation for
               community conversations/forums and  in sharing the outcomes and findings of
               those forums through the creation of documents that reflect the findings and
               community input.  It will encourage Partners to do the same.  Longer term, it will
               encourage the community to address the findings.   The Steering Committee will
               facilitate community efforts to address the findings as appropriate when

               VIII.        RECORDS

               The BCPDRP records are written by the secretary (or designee) and will be
               stored on an appropriate digital site determined by the Steering Committee in
               consultation with the Tech Committee. The records include the following:

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