Page 8 - BigC_Partners_By-Laws
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• Work with the Chair to seek out and follow up with
                                      prospective Partners and provide them with appropriate
                                      documents and information
                                   • Promote the BCPDRP profile in the broader community

                              I.  Subcommittees

                                • 	 A subcommittee is composed of a smaller group of Steering
                                   Committee members and where appropriate, other
                                   representatives.  Such committees can be identified and
                                   established by the Steering Committee to focus on specific
                                   tasks.  Subcommittees may be standing or ad hoc.

                                • Subcommittees will set goals for their specific areas of
                                   responsibility.  They will report on their progress on a regular
                                   basis, with the frequency determined by the Steering

                                • The following Standing Subcommittees are authorized - Tech
                                   Committee and the Southern Maryland Equity in History
                                • Ad Hoc Subcommittees may be created by the BC Steering
                                   Committee for a specific purpose as needed
                                • Ad hoc committees should have a documented charge and
                                   should end when that charge is complete

               VI. Meetings

               	       	      Section 6.1  Regularly Scheduled Meetings

               	       	      A.  The Partnership will meet quarterly, unless otherwise scheduled
               	       	      B.  Partners are expected to send at least one representative to
               each meeting.  Guests may be invited as required for the work of the Partnership
               	       	      C.  The BC Steering Committee will meet at least monthly
                              D.  Additional meetings of the Partnership and/or the BC Steering
               Committee may be called by the Chair as needed.
               	       	      E.  Meetings are scheduled for a calendar year (Jan.-Dec.)
               	       	      F.  For regularly scheduled Partnership meetings, members will be
               given notice via email of the schedule for the coming calendar year at least three
               months prior (Oct. 1) to the start of the calendar year.
               	       	      G.  For additional meetings, members will be notified via email at
               least a week in advance.

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