Page 5 - BigC_Partners_By-Laws
P. 5

• Provide financial support, both direct, support with grant applications, and
                       finding other sources of financial support
                   • Provide access to data and anecdotal information

               V. Officers and Decision Making

               	       Section 5.1  Governing Structure

               	       	      A.  Rotating governance of the BCPDRP will ensure diversity of
               membership with regard to race, ethnicity, gender, age and skills needed to fulfill
               the mission of the BCPDRP

               	       	      B.  The governing structure of the Big Conversation Partnership on
               Dismantling Racism and Privilege in Southern Maryland is as follows:
                                   • There will be a designated Steering Committee, BC Steering
                                      Committee Officers and designated subcommittees.
                                   • The Partnership and the Steering Committee will have
                                      separate regularly scheduled meetings.

                       Section 5.2 Steering Committee

               	       	      A. The Steering Committee will meet on a regular basis to oversee
               the structure, management, and work of the BC Partnership.  The Steering
               Committee Chair is responsible for assuring an agenda is prepared for each
               meeting and distributed prior to the meeting.

               	       	      B.  Composition of the Steering Committee
               	       	      	      The Steering Committee shall be composed of rotating 3 year
               classes of four (4) members each for a total of twelve (12) members with each
               class to serve for three years.  Among the twelve (12) members of the Steering
               Committee, at least one (1) member must be a member of Middleham and St.
               Peter’s Parish and preference should be given to representation from Calvert,
               Charles and St. Mary’s NAACP county chapters or similar organizations.  If any
               member of the BC Steering Committee is unable to fulfill the duties of an office,
               the Chair will appoint a Steering Committee member to fulfill the role.  If the
               Chair is unable to fulfill the duties of the office a new Chair shall be chosen by
               consensus by the Steering Committee in accordance with the requirements
               stated at Section 5.2.E.

               	       	      C.  Steering Committee member rotation
               	       	      	      As the third year Steering Committee members rotate off, an
               incoming class of three (3) new members will be chosen by vote of the Steering

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