Page 78 - BigConversationsDismantlingRacism
P. 78

Group 275B

                         1.  Students confirmed and verified other panelists issues.
                         2.  Excellent depth of discussion
                         3.  Questions were spot on
                         4.  Would like to have had more specifics on professional development.
                         5.  Thoughtful, organized, concerned
                         6.  The panelists were committee to deal with the problem of racism.
                         7.  There is an increased awareness and recognition as to the need to address inequalities.
                         8.  I thought the panelists thoroughly answered the questions.
                         9.  While the panel was diverse, I think with as much as teachers were talked about, it would
                             have been great to have a current educator to answer the same questions from their
                         10. The panel questions are many of what I have experienced thoughout my lifetime here as a
                             Calvert native, in addition to what mu children have gone through  and my child is
                             experiencing today in the schools.

                      Group 277A

                         1.  I didn’t realize the strength of importance regarding ethnicity of the teacher vs ethnicity of
                             the student.
                         2.  Informative
                         3.  It’s a system and all parts need to work together. It must be intentional.
                         4.  Students need to be driving more conversations and sharing their experiences.
                         5.  Parent perceptions are extremely important.
                         6.  Disparity about African American and minority instructors
                         7.  I understand that a lot of policy has been put in place for education equity, but what is being
                             done to enforce the policy?
                         8.  Not enough statistical information (with the exception of Col. Wiggins)
                         9.  Too much is being spoken about schools being involved in teaching social skills.
                         10. Encouraged by the conversations on dismantling racism.
                         11. Level of commitment by key decision makers who were present.
                         12. Honesty – to take an honest assessment of the system now would be a great step.
                         13. Both youths were very impressive
                         14. CCPS is a leader in areas dealing with equity.
                         15. It was a courageous experience.

                      Group 277B

                         1.  School system is trying to help
                         2.  Community is a little angry that this is still and issue.
                         3.  Lots of policy talk
                         4.  Calvert County BOE and its teachers are beginning to make positive changes in our schools.
                         5.  CCPS is being proactive on the topic od equality, but there is still work to be done.
                         6.  Positive, openness to begin discussion of uncomfortable topics for some people. Good
                             representation of diversity on panel as well. Some topics felt like they were cut short.
                         7.  The student discussions were eye opening.
                         8.  The school system is aware of these issues.

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